Downtown Lullaby
When I’d hang with sputtering
car engine blocks and rusted paint
fumes, the comfort wasn’t from
car engine blocks and rusted paint
fumes, the comfort wasn’t from
A blank space between walls
and light boxes in plastic
frames that flashed bold language.
and light boxes in plastic
frames that flashed bold language.
It wasn’t from tracking tires that
made mess of ice and brine
split shuttering to bring bells of
made mess of ice and brine
split shuttering to bring bells of
Unfogging spring to eye-cough
sense we took in trade as costs
of the hibernating season’s panic.
sense we took in trade as costs
of the hibernating season’s panic.
It wasn’t the passion crimes behind
windows, made out in breathy silhouette
to corner stores below;
windows, made out in breathy silhouette
to corner stores below;
Kind of sentiment to take the
broken rising feeling that was
numbed across from brass rubbing etch.
broken rising feeling that was
numbed across from brass rubbing etch.
It was the pitter-patter of stiff
soles on hard ground, reminding I
wasn’t the only one out.
soles on hard ground, reminding I
wasn’t the only one out.